
近期重装了ArchLinux,但是又遇到KDE Plasma5桌面环境下无法挂载Windows所在硬盘问题,具体是什么原因造成的尚不明确,但是百度之后找到了解决方法:

sudo ntfsfix -d /dev/nvme0n1p6

注意:第一条命令需要加参数-d, 按好多资料没有加-d修复无效。原因参考资料:Mounting ntfs partition by ntfs3 failed

Check your dmesg for errors with ntfs3. Chances are the volume is still marked dirty, and ntfs3 will not mount a partition where that is the case without the force option. ntfsfix without any arguments will actively set the dirty bit, so that a chkdsk from Windows can do a real check/analysis. If you don't have that handy and want to clear the dirty bit despite ntfsfix not being entirely a good checking tool you can pass the -d argument to ntfsfix.