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""" 作者:冯振华 学号:202221140015 版本:V4.1 日期:2023年05月20日 项目:Monte Carlo methods for Overcoming critical slowing down """ import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def initialize_spins(N): """ Initializes the spin lattice with random spins of -1 or +1 """ return np.random.choice([-1, 1], size=(N, N))
def bond_probability(beta): """ Calculates probability of forming a bond between two neighboring spins """ return 1 - np.exp(-2*beta)
def update_spins(spins, beta): """ a single update of the spins using the Wolff algorithm """ N = spins.shape[0] visited = np.zeros((N, N), dtype=bool) seed = (np.random.randint(N), np.random.randint(N)) cluster_spins = [seed] cluster_perimeter = [(seed[0], (seed[1]+1)%N), (seed[0], (seed[1]-1)%N), ((seed[0]+1)%N, seed[1]), ((seed[0]-1)%N, seed[1])] while len(cluster_perimeter) > 0: i, j = cluster_perimeter.pop() if not visited[i,j] and np.random.random() < bond_probability(beta): cluster_spins.append((i, j)) visited[i, j] = True cluster_perimeter += [(i, (j+1)%N), (i, (j-1)%N), ((i+1)%N, j), ((i-1)%N, j)] spins[tuple(zip(*cluster_spins))] *= -1 return spins
def calculate_energy(spins,J): """ Calculates the energy of the spin configuration """ N = spins.shape[0] energy = 0 for i in range(N): for j in range(N): spin = spins[i, j] neighbors = spins[(i+1)%N, j] + spins[i, (j+1)%N] + spins[(i-1)%N, j] + spins[i, (j-1)%N] energy += 2*J*spin * neighbors return energy
def run_simulation(N=20, J=-1,beta=1.0, num_steps=2000, num_measurements=100): """ Performs a full simulation of the Wolff algorithm on the spin lattice """ spins = initialize_spins(N) energies = [] mags = [] for step in range(num_steps): spins = update_spins(spins, beta) if step % (num_steps // num_measurements) == 0: energy = calculate_energy(spins,J) mag = np.sum(spins) energies.append(energy) mags.append(mag) return energies, mags
energies, mags = run_simulation(N=20,J=-1,beta=1.0, num_steps=100000, num_measurements=100)
E = np.mean(energies)
print(f"Average energy: {E:.4f}")
plt.plot(energies) plt.xlabel("Monte Carlo step") plt.ylabel("Energy") plt.show()
plt.plot(mags) plt.xlabel("Monte Carlo step") plt.ylabel("Spin") plt.show() """ To run the simulation, simply the `run_simulation` function with the desired parameters, such as `energies, mags = run_simulation(N=30,=1.0, num_steps=100000, num_measurements=100)`. This will simulate 100,000 Wolff updates on a 30x30 lattice at a temperature of 1. and take measurements of the energy and magnetization every 1,000 steps. The output is two arrays, `energies` and `mags`, that record the energy and magnetization at each measurement step. These arrays can be used to averages and variances to analyze the system properties. """