
2023年 06月 19日 星期一 11:35:15 CST, 查询到英语成绩,顺利通过考试,感谢林老师,感谢外教,感谢北师大。本网站本是我准备复习考试之用,现作为Gist 组英语纪念.


2022-2023春季学期,英语考试考试时间:2023-06-10 13:30-16:10 考试地点:2023春期末考试,考场安排17周查询,具体考试安排尚未公布,请及时关注:北师大公共外语研究部


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  2. 其他人考场安排: 公布版.xlsx

  3. 2023年06月10日 顺利完成考试

  4. 预计7月2日公布成绩,愿我们都顺利通过考试!

  5. 2023年 06月 19日 星期一 公布成绩,我们顺利通过了考试。


考试模块 数目 分值 重点内容 备注
Lisening 6 6 conversitons 共六段,一段一分,2010年之前的六级听力
1 15 lecture 实用英语视听说其中一篇
3 9 passage 前两篇简单,后一篇难
Reading 2 20 类型如阅读题型所示,难度相当 见下文PDF
Translation 2 30 C-E,E-C各占15分,平时课堂上的翻译,课上作业六篇A+课堂上所发材料特别是习语翻译 见下文PDF
Writing 1 20 议论文写作 见下文分析



  1. position 和 stance 很重要,即立场鲜明,这也好那也好不行,必须站在一方。

  2. 全文分为5段来写,具体来说

    • Introduction : 简明扼要的亮出观点,这部分要短
    • Body : 这部分要长,文章的主要部分 . + subtopic1 必须要有 . + subtopic2 必须要有 . + refutation 驳论段,可以没有,但是写了会得高分,说明为什么反对某一观点,给出具体依据
    • Conclusion 这部分也要短,简明扼要的总结关键词: restate thesis (重审),statement (声明)







第一题:1.B 2. C 3.A 4.D 5.C 6. D 第二题:1.B 2. E 3.A 4.C 5.D


Model One

It has been argued that (有人争辩说) ...... so this argument goes ...... It is claimed that ...... However, as Smith states(声明) ...... In fact ...... Moreover ...... In addition ......

Model Two

...... contends that (声称,主张)...... argues that ...... so this argument goes ...... However ,as Jones explains ...... In addition ......

Model Three

It is the contention of ...... that ...... This position goes on to assert(断言) that ...... However ...... Indeed ...... furthermore ......



中国人有穷变通久的哲学,阿拉伯人也说“ 没有不变的常态”。我们尊重阿拉伯国家的变革诉求,支持阿拉伯国家处主探索发展道路。处理好改革发展稳定关系十分重要。这就好比阿拉伯喜闻乐见的赛骆驼,前半程跑的太快,后半程可能体力透支,前半程跑的太慢,后半程有可能跟不上。骑手只有平衡好速度和耐力,才能够坚持到最后。


Chinese there is a philosophy of infinitely flexible things, and the Arabs also say that "there is no immutable normality." We respect the Arab countries' demands for change and support Arab heads in exploring the path of development. It is very important to properly handle the relationship between reform, development and stability. This is like the Arabian camel race, the first half of the run is too fast, the second half may be physically exhausted, the first half of the run too slow, the second half may not be able to keep up. Riders can only persevere until the end if they balance speed and endurance.


Chinese people have a philosophy of being adaptable and adaptable, while Arabs also say that there is no unchanging norm. We respect the demand for change in Arab countries and support Arab leaders in exploring development paths. It is very important to handle the relationship between reform, development, and stability. This is like the popular Camel racing race in Arabia. The first half of the race is too fast, the second half may be exhausted, and the first half is too slow, and the second half may not keep up. A rider can only persist until the end by balancing speed and endurance.


The Chinese have a philosophy of being poor and flexible, and the Arabs also say that "there is no constant state." We respect Arab countries' aspiration for change and support them in their efforts to explore a path of development. It is important to strike a balance between reform, development and stability. This is like the Arab favorite camel racing, the first half of the run too fast, the second half may overdraft, the first half of the run too slow, the second half may not be able to keep up. Only when the rider has a good balance of speed and endurance can he persevere to the end.

Translate Two



One of the biggest obstacles to sticking to oneself is paying too much attention to other people's eyes. To stand up for yourself, you must be willing to take the risk of being undesirable and reprehensible. If you are too attached to the eyes of others and are unwilling to take such risks, you can only become a puppet and cannot really insist on yourself. The most useful thing a person can do is to be themselves, and being themselves means overcoming their own problems, and only by truly overcoming their own problems can they help others overcome their problems. If you can make a valuable contribution, what others think doesn't matter at all.


One of the biggest obstacles to sticking to oneself is paying too much attention to the opinions of others. To persist in yourself, you must be willing to bear the risk of falling short of expectations and causing criticism. If you are too fixated on others' perspectives and unwilling to take such risks, you can only become a puppet and cannot truly adhere to yourself. The most useful thing a person can do is to be themselves, and being oneself means overcoming one's own problems. Only by truly overcoming one's own problems can one help others overcome their problems. If you can make valuable contributions, the opinions of others are of no importance.


One of the biggest obstacles to standing up for yourself is caring too much about what others think. To stand up for yourself, you must be willing to risk falling short of expectations and making yourself unpopular. If you are too attached to the eyes of others and are not willing to take such risks, you can only become a puppet and cannot really adhere to yourself. The most useful thing one can do is to be oneself, and being oneself means overcoming one's own problems, and only by truly overcoming one's own problems can one help others overcome theirs. If you can make a valuable contribution, it doesn't matter what others think.

Translation Three



There is now a saying that the humanities are outdated. The current job market is so grim that many college students and their parents want to choose majors that will be easy to find employment in the future, and turn their noses up at the humanities. This thinking is clearly too narrow. The humanities focus on cultivating generalists. It does not attach importance to the accumulation of universal laws and knowledge like the natural and social sciences, but pays more attention to the cultivation of a kind of wisdom and ability. It focuses more on creative processes rather than fixed conclusions. It leaves more room for human ingenuity.


Now there is a saying that the Humanities is out of date. The current form of the employment Market structure is so severe that many college students and their parents want to choose majors that are easy to find employment in the future, and they scorn Humanities. This idea is obviously too narrow. Humanities focuses on training generalists. It does not place the same emphasis on the accumulation of universal laws and knowledge as natural and social sciences, but rather places more emphasis on the cultivation of wisdom and abilities. It places more emphasis on creative exploration processes rather than fixed conclusions. It leaves greater room for human originality.


Now there is a saying that the humanities are obsolete. The current job market is so tough that many college students and their parents want to choose majors that are easily employable in the future, while turning their noses up at the humanities. Such thinking is obviously too narrow. The humanities focus on the cultivation of generalists. It does not pay attention to the accumulation of universal laws and knowledge, as the natural and social sciences do, but pays more attention to the cultivation of a kind of wisdom and ability. It focuses on a creative process of discussion rather than a fixed conclusion. It leaves more room for human ingenuity.


  1. We are in the midst of a once-in-a-generation opportunity to remark our approch to science.

    [现状-一般] 目前,我们有机会改造科学方法本身和普及科学知识的途径,这种机会几十年一遇。

  2. This moment , in all its difficult uncertainty---COVID-19 , economic turmoil among others---demonstrates why universities and other research stakeholders should move decisively to embrace open science.

    [现状-具体] 虽然我们现在正遭遇新冠疫情,经济动荡等艰难和变数,但是这正说明为什么我们的大学及其他研究的利益相关方面应该坚决拥抱/支持开放科学。

  3. By adopting what are called "open science" practices ,we can align the incentive structures of research production and consumption with our value, and catalyze the scientific progress our society so desperately needs.

    [OS 影响] 通过采用被称为“开放科学”的做法,我们可以使各种激励科研产出及运用的机制符合我们的价值观,从而加速社会急需的科技进步。

  4. Open science , according to Michael Nielson , is "the idea that scientific knowledge of all kinds should be openly shared as early as is practical in the discovery process."

    [OS 定义] 迈克尔.尼尔森认为,开放科学是“ 一种观念,即各种科学知识从发现的一开始以及整个过程中都应该公开共享”。

  5. That open science is an integral tool in the fight againt COVID-19 is in-disput-able: the important of access to scientific articles and data to help identify promising vaccines and therapeutics was recognized by publishers and researchers alike early in the pandemic.

    [OS 影响/重要性] 开放科学己成为抗击疫情不可或缺的工具,这一点毋庸置疑:早在疫情之初,出版及研究人员就已经清楚地认识到科研文章和数据的公开对研制疫苗和治疗方法的重要性。

  6. As a consequence, the research community has worked rapidly to take the barriers that chronically impede scientific progress.

    [现状-具体] 正因如此,学界已经迅速反应,清除长期阻碍科技进步的各种障碍。



Exchanges and Mutual Learning Make Civilizations Richer and More Colorful


  1. Civilizations become richer and more colorful through exchanges and mutual learning, which form an important driver for human progress and global peace and development.


  2. To promote exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations we must adopt a correct approach with some important principles. They, in my view, contain the following:


  3. First, civilizations come in different colors, and such diversity has made exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations relevant and valuable. Just as the sunlight has seven colors, our world is a place of dazzling colors. A civilization is the collective memory of a country or a nation. Throughout history, mankind has created and developed many colorful civilizations, from the earliest days of primitive hunting to the period of agriculture, and from booming industrial revolution to the information society. Together, they present a magnificent genetic map of the exciting march of human civilizations.


  4. “A single flower does not make spring, while one hundred flowers in full blossom bring spring to the garden.” If there were only one kind of flower in the world, people would find it boring no matter how beautiful it was. Be it Chinese civilization or other civilizations in the world, they are all fruits of human progress.


  5. I have visited the Louvre Museum in France and the Palace Museum in China, both of which house millions of art treasures. They are attractive because they present the richness of diverse civilizations. Exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations must not be built on the exclusive praise or belittling of one particular civilization. As early as over 2,000 years ago, the Chinese people came to recognize that “it is natural for things to be different.”1 Greater exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations can further enrich the colors of various civilizations and the cultural life of people and open up still greater alternatives in the future.


  6. Second, civilizations are equal, and such equality has made exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations possible. All human civilizations are equal in value, and they all have their respective strengths and weaknesses. No civilization is perfect on the planet. Nor is it devoid of merit. No single civilization can be judged superior to another.


  7. I have visited many places in the world. What interested me most during the trips was to learn about differing civilizations across the five continents, what makes them different and unique, how their people think about the world and life and what they hold dear. I have visited Chichen Itza, a window on the ancient Maya civilization, and the Central Asian city of Samarkand, an icon of the ancient Islamic civilization. It is my keenly felt conviction that an attitude of equality and modesty is required if one wants to truly understand various civilizations. Taking a condescending attitude towards a civilization cannot help anyone to appreciate its essence, and may risk antagonizing it. Both history and reality show that pride and prejudice are the biggest obstacles to exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations.


  8. Third, civilizations are inclusive, and such inclusiveness has given exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations the impetus to move forward. The ocean is vast because it refuses no rivers. All civilizations are crystallizations of mankind’s diligence and wisdom. Every civilization is unique. Copying other civilizations blindly or mechanically is like cutting one’s toes to fit one’s shoes—impossible and highly detrimental. All achievements of civilizations deserve our respect and must be cherished.


  9. History proves that only by interacting with and learning from others can a civilization enjoy full vitality. If all civilizations are inclusive, the so-called “clash of civilizations” can be avoided and the harmony of civilizations will become reality; as a Chinese saying goes, “Radish or cabbage, each to his own delight.”


  10. Having gone through over 5,000 years of vicissitudes, the Chinese civilization has always kept to its original root. As an icon, it contains the most profound pursuits of the Chinese nation and provides it with abundant nourishment for existence and development. Deriving from Chinese soil, it has come to its present form through constant exchanges with and learning from other civilizations.


  11. In the 2nd century BC, China started the Silk Road 2 leading to the Western Regions. In 138 BC and 119 BC, Envoy Zhang Qian 3 of the Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 220) made two trips to those regions, disseminating Chinese culture and bringing into China grapes, alfalfa, pomegranates, flax, sesame and other products.


  12. During the Western Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 25), China’s merchant fleets sailed as far as India and Sri Lanka where they traded China’s silk for colored glaze, pearls and other products.


  13. The Tang Dynasty (618-907) saw dynamic interactions between China and other countries. Historical records reveal that China exchanged envoys with more than 70 countries, and Chang’an, the capital of Tang, bustled with envoys, merchants and students from other countries. Exchanges of such a magnitude helped spread Chinese culture to the rest of the world and introduce other cultures and products to China.


  14. During the early 15th century, Zheng He 4 , a famous navigator of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), made seven expeditions to the Western Seas, reaching many Southeast Asian countries and even Kenya on the eastern coast of Africa, leaving behind many stories of friendly exchanges between China and countries along the route.


  15. During the late Ming and early Qing (1644-1911) dynasties, the Chinese people began to access modern science and technology through the introduction of European knowledge in the realms of astronomy, medicine, mathematics, geometry and geography, which helped broaden the horizons of Chinese people. Thereafter, exchanges and mutual learning between Chinese civilization and other civilizations became more frequent. Naturally, there were conflicts, frictions, bewilderment and denial, but the more dominant features of the period were learning, digestion, integration and innovation.


  16. Buddhism originated in ancient India. After it was brought to China, the religion went through an extended period of integrated development with the indigenous Confucianism and Taoism, and finally became Buddhism with Chinese features, thus greatly impacting the religious beliefs, philosophy, literature, art, etiquette and customs of China. Xuan Zang 5 , an eminent monk of the Tang Dynasty, who endured untold sufferings as he went on a pilgrimage to ancient India for Buddhist scriptures, gave full expression to the determination and fortitude of the Chinese people to learn from other cultures. I am sure you have heard of the Chinese mythological classical novel Journey to the West6 based on his stories.


  17. The Chinese people enriched Buddhism and developed some special Buddhist thoughts in the light of Chinese culture, and helped it spread from China to Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia and beyond.


  18. Over the last 2,000 years religions such as Buddhism, Islam and Christianity have been introduced into China, nurturing the country’s music, painting and literature. China’s freehand oil painting, for instance, is an innovative combination of its own traditional painting and Western oil painting, and the works by Xu Beihong7 and other master painters have been widely acclaimed. China’s Four Great Inventions—papermaking, gunpowder, printing and the compass—brought drastic changes to the whole world, including the European Renaissance. Its philosophy, literature, medicine, silk, porcelain and tea have been shared by the West and become part of its people’s life. The book Travels of Marco Polo provoked widespread interest in China.


  19. I think some of you might be familiar with the terracotta warriors and horses8 of the Qin Dynasty (221-207 BC), one of the eight wonders in the world. After his visit to the site, President Chirac of France remarked that a visit to Egypt would not be complete without seeing the pyramids, and that a visit to China would not be complete without seeing the terracotta warriors and horses.

    我想你们中的一些人可能熟悉世界八大奇迹之一的秦朝(公元前 221-207 年)的兵马俑8。法国总统希拉克在参观后表示,不看金字塔就不完事,不看金字塔就不完整,对中国的造访不见兵马俑就不完整。

  20. In 1987 this national treasure was listed as one of UNESCO’s World Cultural Heritage Sites. Many Chinese legacies are ranked as World Cultural Heritage Sites, and World Intangible Cultural Heritage Sites and are listed on the Memory of the World Register. Here, I’d like to express my heartfelt thanks to UNESCO for its contribution to the preservation and dissemination of Chinese civilization.


  21. Today, we live in a world with different cultures, ethnic groups, skin colors, religions and social systems, and all people on the planet have become members of an intimate community of shared future.


  22. The Chinese people have long come to appreciate the concept of “harmony without uniformity.” 9 Zuoqiu Ming 10 , a Chinese historian who lived 2,500 years ago, recorded a few lines by Yan Zi 11 , prime minister of the State of Qi during the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC) in Zuo’s Chronicles (Zuo Zhuan)12 : “Harmony is like cooking thick soup. You need water, fire, vinegar, meat sauce, salt and plum to go with the fish or meat. It is the same with music. Only by combining the texture, length, rhythm, mood, tone, pitch and style adequately and executing them properly can you produce an excellent melody. Who can tolerate soup with nothing but water in it? Who can tolerate the same tone played again and again with one instrument?”

    中国人民早就开始欣赏“和谐而不统一”的概念。9 生活在2500年前的中国历史学家左秋明10在《左传》12中记载了春秋时期(公元前770-476年)齐国丞相严子11的几句话:“和就像煮浓汤。你需要水,火,醋,肉酱,盐和李子来搭配鱼或肉。音乐也是如此。只有将质感、长度、节奏、情绪、音调、音高和风格充分结合并正确执行,才能产生出色的旋律。谁能忍受汤里只有水?谁能容忍用一种乐器一次又一次地演奏相同的音调?

  23. On the planet, there are more than 200 countries and regions inhabited by over 2,500 ethnic groups with a multitude of religions. Can we imagine a world with only one lifestyle, one language, one kind of music and one style of costume.


  24. Victor Hugo once said that there was a prospect greater than the sea—the sky; there was a prospect greater than the sky—the human soul. Indeed, we need a mind that is broader than the sky as we approach different civilizations, which serve as water, moistening everything silently. We should encourage different civilizations to respect each other and live in harmony, so as to turn exchanges and mutual learning between civilizations into a bridge promoting friendship between peoples around the world, an engine driving human society, and a bond cementing world peace. We should draw wisdom and nourishment and seek spiritual support and psychological consolation from various civilizations, and work together to face down the challenges around the globe.


  25. In 1987, 20 exquisite pieces of colored glaze were brought to light from an underground tomb of Famen Temple in Shaanxi, China. They proved to be Byzantine and Islamic relics brought to China during the Tang Dynasty. Marveling at these exotic relics, I was struck by the thought that we should appreciate their cultural significance rather than simply admiring their exquisiteness, and bring their inherent spirit to life instead of merely appreciating the artistic presentation of life in the past.


On Runnig After One's Hat

  1. I feel an almost savage envy on hearing that London has been flooded in my absence, while I am in the mere country. My own Battersea has been, I understand, particularly favored as a meeting of the waters. Battersea was already, as I need hardly say, the most beautiful of human localities. Now that it has the additional splendor of great sheets of water, there must be something quite incomparable in the landscape (or waterscape) of my own romantic town. Battersea must be a vision of Venice. The boat that brought the meat from the butcher’s must have shot along those lanes of rippling silver with the strange smoothness of the gondola. The greengrocer who brought cabbage to the corner of the Latchmere Road must have leant upon the oar with the unearthly grace of the gondolier. There is nothing so perfectly poetical as an island; and when a district is flooded it becomes an archipelago.


  2. Some consider such romantic views of flood or fire slightly lacking in reality. But really this romantic view of such inconveniences is quite as practical as the other. The true optimist who sees in such things an opportunity for enjoyment is quite as logical and much more sensible than the ordinary “Indignant Ratepayer” who sees in them an opportunity for grumbling. Real pain, as in the case of being burnt at Smithfield or having a toothache, is a positive thing; it can be supported, but scarcely enjoyed. But, after all, our toothaches are the exception, and as for being burnt at Smithfield, it only happens to us at the very longest intervals. And most of the inconveniences that make men swear or women cry are really sentimental or imaginative inconveniences—things altogether of the mind. For instance, we often hear grown-up people complaining of having to hang about a railway station and wait for a train. Did you ever hear a small boy complain of having to hang about a railway station and wait for a train? No; for to him to be inside a railway station is to be inside a cavern of wonder and a palace of poetical pleasures. Because to him the red light and the green light on the signal are like a new sun and a new moon. Because to him when the wooden arm of the signal falls down suddenly, it is as if a great king had thrown down his staff as a signal and started a shrieking tournament of trains. I myself am of little boys’ habit in this matter. They also serve who only stand and wait for the two fifteen. Their meditations may be full of rich and fruitful things. Many of the most purple hours of my life have been passed at Clapham Junction, which is now, I suppose, under water. I have been there in many moods so fixed and mystical that the water might well have come up to my waist before I noticed it particularly. But in the case of all such annoyances, as I have said, everything depends upon the emotional point of view. You can safely apply the test to almost every one of the things that are currently talked of as the typical nuisance of daily life.


  3. For instance, there is a current impression that it is unpleasant to have to run after one’s hat. Why should it be unpleasant to the well-ordered and pious mind? Not merely because it is running, and running exhausts one. The same people run much faster in games and sports. The same people run much more eagerly after an uninteresting, little leather ball than they will after a nice silk hat. There is an idea that it is humiliating to run after one’s hat; and when people say it is humiliating they mean that it is comic. It certainly is comic; but man is a very comic creature, and most of the things he does are comic—eating, for instance. And the most comic things of all are exactly the things that are most worth doing. A man running after a hat is not half so ridiculous as a man running after a wife.


  4. Now a man could, if he felt rightly in the matter, run after his hat with the manliest ardor and the most sacred joy. He might regard himself as a jolly huntsman pursuing a wild animal, for certainly no animal could be wilder. In fact, I am inclined to believe that hat-hunting on windy days will be the sport of the upper classes in the future. There will be a meet of ladies and gentlemen on some high ground on a gusty morning. They will be told that the professional attendants have started a hat in such-and-such a thicket, or whatever be the technical term. Notice that this employment will in the fullest degree combine sport with humanitarianism. The hunters would feel that they were not inflicting pain. Nay, they would feel that they were inflicting pleasure, rich, almost riotous pleasure, upon the people who were looking on. When last I saw an old gentleman running after his hat in Hyde Park, I told him that a heart so benevolent as his ought to be filled with peace and thanks at the thought of how much unaffected pleasure his every gesture and bodily attitude were at that moment giving to the crowd.


  5. The same principle can be applied to every other typical domestic worry. A gentleman trying to get a fly out of the milk or a piece of cork out of his glass of wine often imagines himself to be irritated. Let him think for a moment of the patience of anglers sitting by dark pools, and let his soul be immediately irradiated with gratification and repose. Again, I have known some people of very modern views driven by their distress to the use of theological terms to which they attached no doctrinal significance, merely because a drawer was jammed tight and they could not pull it out. A friend of mine was particularly afflicted in this way. Every day his drawer was jammed, and every day in consequence it was something else that rhymes to it. But I pointed out to him that this sense of wrong was really subjective and relative; it rested entirely upon the assumption that the drawer could, should, and would come out easily. “But if,” I said, “you picture to yourself that you are pulling against some powerful and oppressive enemy, the struggle will become merely exciting and not exasperating. Imagine that you are tugging up a lifeboat out of the sea. Imagine that you are roping up a fellow-creature out of an Alpine crevasse. Imagine even that you are a boy again and engaged in a tug-of-war between French and English.” Shortly after saying this I left him; but I have no doubt at all that my words bore the best possible fruit. I have no doubt that every day of his life he hangs on to the handle of that drawer with a flushed face and eyes bright with battle, uttering encouraging shouts to himself, and seeming to hear all round him the roar of an applauding ring.


  6. So I do not think that it is altogether fanciful or incredible to suppose that even the floods in London may be accepted and enjoyed poetically. Nothing beyond inconvenience seems really to have been caused by them; and inconvenience, as I have said, is only one aspect, and that the most unimaginative and accidental aspect of a really romantic situation. An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered. The water that girdled the houses and shops of London must, if anything, have only increased their previous witchery and wonder. For as the Roman Catholic priest in the story said: “Wine is good with everything except water,” and on a similar principle, water is good with everything except wine.


Why Study Humanities? What I Tell Engineering Freshmen


  1. What’s the point of the humanities? Of studying philosophy, history, literature and “soft” sciences like psychology and poly sci? The Commission on the Humanities and Social Sciences, consisting of academic, corporate, political and entertainment big shots, tries to answer this question in a big new report to Congress. The report is intended to counter plunging enrollment in and support for the humanities, which are increasingly viewed as “luxuries that employment-minded students can ill afford,” as The New York Times put it.


  2. Titled “The Heart of the Matter,” the report states: “As we strive to create a more civil public discourse, a more adaptable and creative workforce, and a more secure nation, the humanities and social sciences are the heart of the matter, the keeper of the republic—a source of national memory and civic vigor, cultural understanding and communication, individual fulfillment and the ideals we hold in common. They are critical to a democratic society and they require our support..

    题为“问题的核心”的报告指出:“当我们努力创造一个更文明的公共话语,一个更具适应性和创造力的劳动力,以及一个更安全的国家时,人文和社会科学是问题的核心,共和国的守护者 - 国家记忆和公民活力,文化理解和交流的源泉, 个人成就和我们共同持有的理想。它们对民主社会至关重要,需要我们的支持。

  3. I find this a bit grandiose, and obscure. I have my own humble defense of the humanities, which I came up with a couple of years ago, when I started teaching a new course required for all freshmen at Stevens Institute of Technology. The syllabus includes Sophocles, Plato, Thucydides, Shakespeare, Descartes, Hobbes, Locke, Kant, Mill, Marx, Nietzsche, William James, Freud, Keynes, Eliot—you know, Greatest Hits of Western Civilization.


  4. I love teaching the class, but I don’t assume that students love taking it. So on the first day of class I ask my wary-looking students, “How many of you would skip this class if it wasn’t required?” After I assure them that they won’t hurt my feelings, almost all raise their hands.


  5. When I ask what the problem is, they say they came to Stevens for engineering, computer science, physics, pre-med, finance, digital music production, etc. They don’t see the point of reading all this old impractical stuff that has nothing to do with their careers. When I ask them to guess why Stevens inflicts this course on them, someone usually says, smirking, “To make us well-rounded..


  6. Whenever I get the “well-rounded” response, I want to reply, “Does ‘well-rounded’ mean, like, chubby?” But I don’t want to offend overweight students. Instead I say, “I don’t really know what ‘well-rounded’ means. Does it mean being able chitchat about Shakespeare at cocktail parties? I don’t care about that.” Then I give them my pitch for the course, which goes something like this.


  7. We live in a world increasingly dominated by science. And that’s fine. I became a science writer because I think science is the most exciting, dynamic, consequential part of human culture, and I wanted to be a part of that. Also, I have two college-age kids, and I’d be thrilled if they pursued careers in science, engineering or medicine. I certainly want them to learn as much science and math as they can, because those skills can help you get a great job. But it is precisely because science is so powerful that we need the humanities now more than ever. In your science, mathematics and engineering classes, you’re given facts, answers, knowledge, and truth. Your professors say, “This is how things are.” They give you certainty. The humanities, at least the way I teach them, give you uncertainty, doubt and skepticism.


  8. The humanities are subversive. They undermine the claims of all authorities, whether political, religious or scientific. This skepticism is especially important when it comes to claims about humanity, about what we are, where we came from, and even what we can be and should be. Science has replaced religion as our main source of answers to these questions. Science has told us a lot about ourselves, and we’re learning more every day.


  9. But the humanities remind us that we have an enormous capacity for deluding ourselves. They also tell us that every single human is unique, different than every other human, and each of us keeps changing in unpredictable ways. The societies we live in also keep changing—in part because of science and technology! So in certain important ways, humans resist the kind of explanations that science gives us.


  10. The humanities are more about questions than answers, and we’re going to wrestle with some ridiculously big questions in this class. Like, what is truth anyway? How do we know something is true? Or rather, why do we believe certain things are true and other things aren’t? Also, how do we decide whether something is wrong or right to do, for us personally or for society as a whole.


  11. Also, what is the meaning of life? What is the point of life? Should happiness be our goal? Well, what on earth is happiness? And should happiness be an end in itself or just a side effect of some other more important goal? Like gaining knowledge, or reducing suffering? Each of you has to find your own answer to these questions. Socrates, one of the philosophers we’re going to read, said wisdom means knowing how little you know. Socrates was a pompous, but there is wisdom in what he says about wisdom.


  12. If I do my job, by the end of this course you’ll question all authorities, including me. You’ll question what you’ve been told about the nature of reality, about the purpose of life, about what it means to be a good person. Because that, for me, is the point of the humanities: they keep us from being trapped by our own desire for certainty.


  13. Postscript: My Stevens colleague Garry Dobbins, a philosopher, likes to give me a hard time, and I him, but I’m always provoked by his take on things, like this response to my post: “As to the Humanities being to teach us a healthy skepticism, we might all agree that this is indeed one of the consequences of such an education; but if this is necessary, as you make it out, because learning science alone we do not learn the importance, or necessity of ‘uncertainty, doubt and skepticism,’ something strange and even perverse has befallen the study of science! Those taking seriously the study of the history of science, for instance, will know that there was a time when science assumed the cultural preeminence it still occupies among us precisely because it did not teach dogmas, or as you put it, ‘certainty.’ On the contrary; scientific studies from the early modern period down to the early twentieth century, anyway, were liberal studies. Surely the justification of study of the Humanities, history, literature, philosophy and the rest, is not fundamentally different than the justification for the study of science. There are forces at work in human life, whether material or spiritual, which we seek to master, so far as possible. The language in which we express our knowledge of physical forces obeys somewhat different logical rules to that in which we express our knowledge of economics for example: but this doesn’t mean that the one is less knowledge, or logical, or important, than the other, surely! That you speak of the kind of knowledge to be gained by close study of Shakespeare, Thucydides, or Plato, as ‘impractical’ surely goes to show a misunderstanding as to what is practical in a human life. Unless you can show good reason to believe Socrates mistaken in thinking that self-knowledge is only reliable foundation for a good life.”

    后记:我的史蒂文斯同事加里·多宾斯(Garry Dobbins)是一位哲学家,他喜欢让我很难过,我也是,但我总是被他对事情的看法所激怒,比如对我帖子的回应:“至于人文学科是教我们健康的怀疑论,我们可能都同意这确实是这种教育的后果之一;但是,如果这是必要的,正如你所知道的,因为仅仅学习科学,我们没有学到“不确定性,怀疑和怀疑”的重要性或必要性,那么一些奇怪甚至反常的事情降临在科学研究上!例如,那些认真研究科学史的人会知道,曾经有一段时间,科学在我们中间仍然占据着文化优势,正是因为它没有教教条,或者用你的话说,“确定性”。相反;无论如何,从近代早期到二十世纪初的科学研究都是通识主义研究。当然,研究人文、历史、文学、哲学和其他学科的理由与研究科学的理由没有根本的不同。在人类生活中,无论是物质的还是精神的,都有力量在起作用,我们试图尽可能地掌握这些力量。例如,我们表达物理力知识的语言与我们表达经济学知识的语言遵循的逻辑规则略有不同:但这并不意味着一个知识,逻辑或重要性不如另一个,当然!你说通过仔细研究莎士比亚、修昔底德或柏拉图可以获得什么样的知识是“不切实际的”,这肯定表明了对人类生活中什么是实用的误解。除非你能证明有充分的理由相信苏格拉底错误地认为自我认识只是美好生活的可靠基础。

  14. I responded: “Garry, you’re right that science if properly taught should incorporate skepticism. But science is becoming increasingly dogmatic and arrogant in our era, which is why we need the humanities to foster a healthy anti-dogmatism..


When Teaching Critical Thinking Backfires


As the fall semester ends, I’m brooding once again over the contradictions of teaching “critical thinking,” especially as applied to science. Below is an edited version of an essay I wrote for The Chronicle of Higher Education when I was in a similar mood. –John Horga.


  1. Don’t always believe what scientists and other authorities tell you! Be skeptical! Think critically! That’s what I tell my students, ad nauseam. And some learn the lesson too well.


  2. I want to give my students the benefit of my hard-won knowledge of science’s fallibility. Early in my career, I was a conventional science writer, easily impressed by scientists’ claims. Fields such as physics, neuroscience, genetics and artificial intelligence seemed to be bearing us toward a future in which bionic superhumans would zoom around the cosmos in warp-drive spaceships. Science was an “endless frontier,” as physicist Vannevar Bush, a founder of the National Science Foundation, put it in 1945 .

    我想让我的学生受益于我来之不易的科学易错知识。在我职业生涯的早期,我是一名传统的科学作家,很容易被科学家的主张所打动。物理学、神经科学、遗传学和人工智能等领域似乎正在引领我们走向一个未来,在这个未来中,仿生超人将乘坐曲速驱动的宇宙飞船在宇宙中放大。科学是一个“无尽的前沿”,正如美国国家科学基金会创始人、物理学家范尼瓦尔·布什(Vannevar Bush)在1945年所说的那样。

  3. Doubt gradually undermined my faith. Scientists and journalists, I realized, often presented the public with an overly optimistic picture of science. By relentlessly touting scientific “advances”—from theories of cosmic creation and the origin of life to the latest treatments for depression and cancer—and by overlooking all the areas in which scientists were spinning their wheels, we made science seem more potent and fast-moving than it really is.


  4. Now, I urge my students to doubt the claims of physicists that they are on the verge of explaining the origin and structure of the cosmos. Some of these optimists favor string and multiverse theories, which cannot be confirmed by any conceivable experiment. This isn’t physics any more, I declare in class, it’s science fiction with equations !


  5. I give the same treatment to theories of consciousness, which attempt to explain how a three-pound lump of tissue—the brain—generates perceptions, thoughts, memories, emotions and self-awareness. Some enthusiasts assert that scientists will soon reverse-engineer the brain so thoroughly that they will be able to build artificial brains much more powerful than our own.


  6. Balderdash! I tell my classes (or words to that effect). Scientists have proposed countless theories about how the brain absorbs, stores and processes information, but researchers really have no idea how the brain works. And artificial-intelligence advocates have been promising for decades that robots will soon be as smart as HAL or R2-D2. Why should we believe them now.


  7. Maybe, just maybe, I suggest, fields such as particle physics, cosmology and neuroscience are bumping up against insurmountable limits. The big discoveries that can be made have been made. Who says science has to solve every problem.


  8. Lest my students conclude that I’m some solitary crank, I assign them articles by other skeptics, including a dissection of epidemiology and clinical trials by journalist Gary Taubes in The New York Times. He advises readers to doubt dramatic claims about the benefits of some new drug or diet, especially if the claim is new. “Assume that the first report of an association is incorrect or meaningless,” Taubes writes, because it probably is. “So be skeptical..

    为了避免我的学生认为我是一个孤独的怪人,我给他们分配了其他怀疑论者的文章,包括记者加里·陶布斯(Gary Taubes)在《纽约时报》上对流行病学和临床试验的剖析。他建议读者怀疑关于某些新药或饮食益处的戏剧性声明,特别是如果这种说法是新的。“假设一个协会的第一份报告是不正确的或毫无意义的,”陶布斯写道,因为它可能是。“所以要怀疑。”

  9. To drive this point home, I assign articles by John Ioannidis, an epidemiologist who has exposed the flimsiness of most peer-reviewed research. In a 2005 study, he concluded that “most published research findings are false.” He and his colleagues contend that “the more extreme, spectacular results (the largest treatment effects, the strongest associations, or the most unusually novel and exciting biological stories) may be preferentially published.” These sorts of dramatic claims are also more likely to be wrong.

    为了说明这一点,我分配了流行病学家约翰·约阿尼迪斯(John Ioannidis)的文章,他揭露了大多数同行评审研究的脆弱性。在2005年的一项研究中,他得出结论,“大多数已发表的研究结果都是错误的。他和他的同事认为,“更极端、更壮观的结果(最大的治疗效果,最强的关联,或最不寻常的新颖和令人兴奋的生物学故事)可能会优先发表。这些戏剧性的说法也更有可能是错误的。

  10. The cherry on this ice-cream sundae of doubt is a critique by psychologist Philip Tetlock of expertise in soft sciences, such as politics, history, and economics. In his 2005 book Expert Political Judgment, Tetlock presents the results of his 20-year study of the ability of 284 “experts” in politics and economics to make predictions about current affairs. The experts did worse than random guessing, or “dart-throwing monkeys,” as Tetlock puts it.

    这个怀疑的冰淇淋圣代上的樱桃是心理学家菲利普·泰特洛克(Philip Tetlock)对政治,历史和经济等软科学专业知识的批评。在他2005年出版的《专家政治判断》一书中,泰特洛克介绍了他20年来对284位政治和经济“专家”预测时事的能力的研究结果。专家们比随机猜测或泰特洛克所说的“投掷飞镖的猴子”做得更糟糕。

  11. Like Ioannidis, Tetlock found a correlation between the prominence of experts and their fallibility. The more wrong the experts were, the more visible they were in the media. The reason, he conjectures, is that experts who make dramatic claims are more likely to get air time on CNN or column inches in The Washington Post, even though they are more likely to be wrong.


  12. For comic relief, I tell my students about a maze study, cited by Tetlock, that pitted rats against Yale undergraduates. Sixty percent of the time, researchers placed food on the left side of a fork in the maze; otherwise the food was placed randomly. After figuring out that the food was more often on the left side of the fork, the rats turned left every time and so were right 60 percent of the time. Yale students, discerning illusory patterns of left-right placement, guessed right only 52 percent of the time. Yes, the rats beat the Yalies! The smarter you are, the more likely you may be to “discover” patterns in the world that aren’t actually there.


  13. So how do my students respond to my skeptical teaching? Some react with healthy pushback, especially to my suggestion that the era of really big scientific discoveries might be over. “On a scale from toddler knowledge to ultimate enlightenment, man’s understanding of the universe could be anywhere,” wrote a student named Matt. “How can a person say with certainty that everything is known or close to being known if it is incomparable to anything?.


  14. Other students embrace skepticism to a degree that dismays me. Cecelia, a biomedical-engineering major, wrote: “I am skeptical of the methods used to collect data on climate change, the analysis of this data, and the predictions made based on this data.” Pondering the lesson that correlation does not equal causation, Steve questioned the foundations of scientific reasoning. “How do we know there is a cause for anything?” he asked.


  15. In a similar vein, some students echoed the claim of radical postmodernists that we can never really know anything for certain, and hence that almost all our current theories will probably be overturned. Just as Aristotle’s physics gave way to Newton’s, which in turn yielded to Einstein’s, so our current theories of physics will surely be replaced by radically different ones.


  16. After one especially doubt-riddled crop of papers, I responded, “Whoa!”(or words to that effect). Science, I lectured sternly, has established many facts about reality beyond a reasonable doubt, embodied by quantum mechanics, general relativity, the theory of evolution, the genetic code. This knowledge has yielded applications—from vaccines to computer chips—that have transformed our world in countless ways. It is precisely because science is such a powerful mode of knowledge, I said, that you must treat new pronouncements skeptically, carefully distinguishing the genuine from the spurious. But you shouldn’t be so skeptical that you deny the possibility of achieving any knowledge at all.


  17. My students listened politely, but I could see the doubt in their eyes. We professors have a duty to teach our students to be skeptical. But we also have to accept that, if we do our jobs well, their skepticism may turn on us.


When Practice Makes Imperfect


When he arrived on the planet he respectfully saluted the lamplighter.
“Good morning. Why have you just put out your lamp?”
“These are the instructions,” replied the lamplighter. “Good morning.”
“What are the instructions?”
“The instructions are that I put out my lamp. Good evening.”
And he lighted his lamp again.
“But why have you just lighted it again?”
“These are the instructions,” replied the lamplighter.
“I do not understand,” said the little prince.
“There is nothing to understand,” said the lamplighter. “Instructions are instructions. Good
And he put out his lamp.
Then he mopped his forehead with a handkerchief decorated with red squares.
“I follow a terrible profession. In the old days it was reasonable. I put the lamp out in the
morning and in the evening I lighted it again. I had the rest of the day for relaxation and the rest
of the night for sleep.”
“And the instructions have been changed since that time?”
“The instructions have not been changed,” said the lamplighter. “That is the tragedy! From
year to year the planet has turned more rapidly and the orders have not been changed!”
..............The Little Prince
..............Antoine De Saint-Exupéry
  1. Day after day the celestial lamplighter performed his well-practiced task. For him by now it was second nature. The planet, however, like the rest of the world, kept on changing. The routine stayed fixed, while the context changed..


  2. One of the most cherished myths in education or any kind of training is that in order to learn a skill one must practice it to the point of doing it without thinking. Whether I ask colleagues concerned with higher education, parents of young children, or students themselves, everyone seems to agree on this approach to what are called the basics. Whether it it learning how to play baseball, drive, or teach, the advice is the same: practice the basics until they become second nature. I think this is the wrong way to start.


  3. Before explaining this last statement, let me give an example of just one context for each of the skills I mentioned that might lead one to question this faith in practicing the basics..


  4. As a child in summer camp I was taught to practice holding a baseball bat a particular way. The idea was to do so without thinking so that I could attend to other aspects of the game, such as the particular pitch I was trying to hit. Now, after years of lifting weights imperfectly, my right arm is stronger than my left. Should I hold the bat the same way in spite of this difference? Should everyone hold a bat the same way.


  5. Because my driving skills have been overlearned, I flip my turn signal on automatically before making a turn. Now, suppose that I’m on an icy road about to make a turn, but the car is somewhat out of control. Wouldn’t turning on the signal in the same old way misguide the car behind by seeming to indicate that the situation is well in hand? Would use of the flashing light be more appropriate in this context? Recently I gave a talk in New Mexico. I was driven from the airport to the hotel across a desert, without a car in sight for miles and miles. At each turn, the driver dutifully signaled.


  6. Imagine overlearning the basics of driving in the United States and then taking a vacation in London, where people drive on the left side of the road. The car in front of you swerves out of control and you must react quickly. Do you slip back to old habits or avoid an accident by responding to what the current situation demands? It is interesting to consider that emergencies may often be the result of actions taken in response to previous training rather than in response to present considerations.


  7. One of the “basic skills” of teachers, and all lecturers, is the ability to take a large quantity of information and present it in bite-size pieces to students. For those of us who teach, reducing and organizing information becomes second nature. How often do we, so practiced in how to present information for a lecture, continue to present a prepared lesson without noticing that the class is no longer paying attention? Presenting all the prepared content too often overtakes the goal of teaching.


  8. For students, note-taking skills can be overlearned, practiced as second nature. Many of us have had the experience of turning to our notes and finding that we don’t have the vaguest idea what they mean.


  9. Traveling makes us particularly aware rigidities. In several Asian countries drivers drive on the left side of the road, and pedestrians on the busy sidewalks follow the same pattern as cars, staying to the right or left accordingly. The frequency with which I came close to walking into people when traveling in Asia made clear to me that even a simple exercise, such as walking on the right, if originally learned mindlessly, may be hard to change. Each time I traveled to a different country, the rules changed, and my awkwardness increased.


  10. When we drill ourselves in a certain skill so that it becomes second nature, does this lead to performing the skill mindlessly? Do we set limits on ourselves by practicing to the point of overlearning? When we approach a new skill, whether as adults or children, it is, by definition, a time when we know the least about it. Does it make sense to freeze our understanding of the skill before we try it out in different contexts and, at various stages, adjust it to our own strengths and experiences? Does it make sense to stick to what we first learned when that learning occurred when we were most naive? When we first learn a skill, we necessarily attend to each individual step. If we overlearn the drill, we essentially lose sight of the individual components and we find it hard to make small adjustments.


  11. Learning the basics in a rote, unthinking manner almost ensures mediocrity. At the least, it deprives learners of maximizing their own potential for more effective performance and, for enjoyment of the activity. Consider tennis. At tennis camp I was taught exactly how to hold my racket and toss the ball when serving. We were all taught the same way. When I later watched the U.S. Open, I noticed that none of the top players served the way I was taught, and, more important, each of them served slightly differently. Most of us are not taught our skills, whether academic, athletic, or artistic, by the real experts. The rules we are given to practice are based on generally accepted truths about how to perform the task and not on our individual abilities. If we mindlessly practice these skills, we are not likely to surpass our teachers. Even if we are fortunate enough to be shown how to do something by a true expert, mindless practice keeps the activity from becoming our own. If we learn the basics but do not overlearn them, we can vary them as we change or as the situation changes..


  12. Perhaps the very notion of basics needs to be questioned. So-called basic skills are normatively derived. They are usually at least partially applicable for most people some of the time. They are sometimes not useful at all for some people (e.g., how to hold the racket for someone who is missing a finger or how to read a text for someone with dyslexia). They are not useful, however, as first learned, for everyone across all situations. If they are mindlessly overlearned, they are not likely to be varied even when variation would be advantageous. Perhaps one could say that for everyone there are certain basics, but that there is no such thing as the basics.


  13. In the classroom, teaching one set of basics for everyone may appear to be easier for the teacher. There are ways, however, to foster mindful learning of basic skills in classrooms full of potential experts. The rationale for this change in approaches is based on the belief that experts at anything become expert in part by varying those same basics. The rest of us, taught not to question, take them for granted.


  14. The key to this new way of teaching is based on an appreciation of both the conditional, or context-dependent, nature of the world and the value of uncertainty. Teaching skills and facts in a conditional way sets the stage for doubt and an awareness of how different situations may call for subtle differences in what we bring to them. This way of teaching imposes no special burden on teachers. Rather, it may increase their own mindfulness as it helps individual students come closer to realizing their potential.


We Need a Paris Agreement for Plastics


They’re flowing into the natural environment every day at an unprecedented rate
.............. Dave Ford
  1. My entry into the ocean plastics crisis began when our organization, SoulBuffalo, ran the first ever activist-to-industry ocean plastics summit in May of 2019. To imagine the summit, picture 165 senior leaders from Coca-Cola, Dow, Greenpeace, the American Chemistry Council, the World Bank, World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and representatives of some of the world’s 15 million informal waste pickers all stuck on a boat together in the middle of the Atlantic Garbage Patch for four days.

    我进入海洋塑料危机始于我们的组织 SoulBuffalo,于 2019 年 5 月举办了有史以来第一次活动家到行业的海洋塑料峰会。想象一下峰会,想象一下来自可口可乐,陶氏,绿色和平组织,美国化学理事会,世界银行,世界自然基金会(WWF)的165名高级领导人以及世界上1500万非正式拾荒者中的一些代表,他们一起在大西洋垃圾带中间的船上呆了四天。

  2. These stakeholders have wildly different strategies, visions and objectives. Our mission was to bring them together in the heart of the crisis to ignite new relationships and accelerate action. We snorkeled together in a sea of plastics and hosted boundary-pushing conversations between leaders that don’t usually sit in the same room.


  3. We saw up close the paradox of plastic, part wonder material, part environmental scourge. Lightweight and strong, plastic preserves food like no other material. Yet it breaks down into microplastics and nanoplastics, which can now be found everywhere in the world—from the deepest oceans to our very own bodies. Every day plastic is flowing into our natural environment at an unprecedented rate—a dump truck’s worth every minute into our oceans alone. As I wrote in Scientific American in August, the pandemic has made it worse. Enough masks are being made per year to cover the entire country of Switzerland.

    我们近距离看到了塑料的悖论,部分是神奇的材料,部分是环境祸害。塑料轻巧而坚固,可以像其他材料一样保存食物。然而,它分解成微塑料和纳米塑料,现在在世界各地都可以找到 - 从最深的海洋到我们自己的身体。每天,塑料正以前所未有的速度流入我们的自然环境——仅每分钟就有一辆自卸卡车价值进入我们的海洋。正如我八月份在《科学美国人》上所写的那样,大流行使情况变得更糟。每年生产的口罩足以覆盖整个瑞士。

  4. Confronting this reality together in the Atlantic Garbage Patch built bridges between the plastic industry and environmental NGOs. Five of the ideas workshopped during the summit are funded and up and running today (including the Plastic Pickers Operational Working Group). The summit made a powerful impact, but the crisis is far from resolved. The need for a complete overhaul of our broken system for managing waste is clear. The growing consensus is that the most effective way to do this is through a U.N. Global Treaty on Plastics. In 14 months at United Nations Environmental Assembly’s Fifth Session (UNEA-5), the U.N. will decide on whether to move a treaty forward.


  5. The 70-plus-member Ocean Plastics Leadership Network, the activist-to-industry network dedicated to the plastics crisis that was born on that ship in the middle of the Atlantic, is committed to accelerating the work towards a “Paris Agreement” for plastics. We are currently at work on a yearlong series of virtual dialogues during the 14-month groundwork period leading up to the UNEA5 decision in February 2022 on whether to develop a global plastics treaty. Our role is to help map consensus amongst major stakeholders to accelerate a plastics treaty. Traditionally, negotiations on global treaties are incredibly hard, and the vast number of stakeholders in the global plastics crisis only adds to the complexity of the task.

    拥有70多名成员的海洋塑料领导网络(Ocean Plastics Leadership Network)是致力于解决大西洋中部那艘船上诞生的塑料危机的行业活动家网络,致力于加快塑料“巴黎协定”的工作。在2022年2月UNEA5就是否制定全球塑料条约做出决定之前的14个月基础期内,我们目前正在开展为期一年的一系列虚拟对话。我们的职责是帮助主要利益相关者达成共识,以加速塑料条约的制定。传统上,全球条约的谈判非常困难,全球塑料危机中的大量利益相关者只会增加任务的复杂性。

  6. Among the stakeholders for a new global agreement on plastic pollution are 193 U.N.-recognized governments; thousands of companies dependent on plastic; trade and advocacy groups; activists and industry-facing nonprofits; waste pickers in the developing world who are responsible for picking plastic out of landfills and off beaches; and seven billion consumers who recycle on average 14 percent of the total amount of plastic they consume.


  7. We’re under no illusion about the scope of this challenge. We must create a safe forum for tough conversations to take place among this vast and varied group in advance of the February 2022 decision to inform negotiators at the U.N. and help advance the treaty. In the words of Costa Rican diplomat Christiana Figueres, who was central to the realization of the Paris Agreement, we must employ “relentless optimism,” coupled with “radical collaboration..

    我们对这一挑战的范围不抱幻想。我们必须在2022年2月决定通知联合国谈判代表并帮助推进条约之前,为这个庞大而多样的群体之间开展艰难对话创造一个安全的论坛。哥斯达黎加外交官克里斯蒂安娜·菲格雷斯(Christiana Figueres)是实现《巴黎协定》的核心,用她的话来说,我们必须采用“无情的乐观主义”,加上“激进的合作”。

  8. Despite this complexity, we believe a meaningful global agreement can be reached and that we must make it happen faster than any treaty before. There are good reasons for optimism. In 1988, the International Maritime Organization ratified a global agreement titled MARPOL Annex V making it illegal for ships to dump plastic in the ocean anywhere in the world. It is still in effect today, proving there’s precedent for global agreements to preserve our oceans. All of the Caribbean nations, the Nordic countries and the Pacific Island states have called for a new global agreement. Sixty-eight countries have publicly expressed interest in a plastics treaty, as have a broad coalition of African countries, and the European Union. While the U.S. has been notably silent on the topic, the groundswell of worldwide support is encouraging.


  9. In November, the U.K.’s environmental minister declared the time to start negotiating a plastics treaty is now. “We have a chance now to tackle plastic pollution in the way that the Paris agreement has done for climate change.” said Lord Zac Goldsmith. There is also hope across the environmental community that the recently elected Biden administration will be a meaningful force on the plastics treaty, as the Obama administration was for climate.


  10. Major reports released in 2020 from industry, NGOs and government also provide a useful blueprint to ground discussions. WWF, Ellen MacArthur Foundation and Boston Consulting Group laid out the business case for a global treaty, and 30 major companies have signed onto a “Business Call for a U.N. Treaty on Plastic Pollution.” They urged others to join them in advocating for an international response that aligns businesses and governments and offers a clear approach to addressing the plastic crisis.

    行业、非政府组织和政府在2020年发布的主要报告也为实地讨论提供了有用的蓝图。世界自然基金会(WWF)、艾伦·麦克阿瑟基金会(Ellen MacArthur Foundation)和波士顿咨询集团(Boston Consulting Group)提出了一项全球条约的商业案例,30家大公司签署了“联合国塑料污染条约的商业呼吁”。他们敦促其他人与他们一起倡导国际应对措施,使企业和政府保持一致,并为解决塑料危机提供明确的方法。

  11. Environmental NGO groups also voiced their support for a plastics treaty in a report from the Center for International Environmental Law, the Environment Investigation Agency and GAIA (Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives). The report has the backing of the Break Free from Plastic movement and Greenpeace. Finally, just a few weeks ago, the Nordic Council of Ministers rolled out a 148-page report that provides a suggested framework and positioning for a future treaty.


  12. These reports reveal that there is already alignment on some fundamental points. First, they all call for harmonized reporting on plastics throughout their life cycle, making it possible to account for everything that is being made and how it is handled. This requires a standardization of terms for all things plastic, so regions and stakeholders all speak the same language. Second, all the reports recommend national action plans, where each country sets up its own plans to manage waste based on minimum requirements, much as nations do with greenhouse gas emissions under the Paris accord. Finally, the reports agree that scientific panels should monitor progress globally, and a financial mechanism must support developing countries and distribute funds internationally.


  13. While environmental organizations (like OPLN member Greenpeace) and industry groups (like OPLN member American Chemistry Council) may agree on some of the basic structures of a global agreement there are still challenging issues to address. Environmental groups call for mandatory plastic reduction goals and enforceable mechanisms in the treaty, as well as limits on new fossil fuel–derived virgin plastic production. Meanwhile, many industry groups believe a treaty can be successful without mandatory reduction goals and heavily emphasize the expansion of advanced recycling or chemical recycling technologies. Many environmental activist groups see the advanced recycling models as a license to continue with the status quo on consumption.


  14. A landmark report from the Pew Charitable Trusts, SYSTEMIQ and various academic partners, titled “Breaking the Plastic Wave,” points toward a way to help bridge this divide: we need to dramatically ramp up both upstream solutions such as reduction goals championed by environmental groups and downstream solutions championed by industry, including fixing our broken mechanical recycling system and investing in new technologies.

    皮尤慈善信托基金会(Pew Charitable Trusts)、SYSTEMIQ和各种学术合作伙伴的一份具有里程碑意义的报告,题为“打破塑料浪潮”,指出了一种帮助弥合这一鸿沟的方法:我们需要大幅提升上游解决方案,例如环保组织倡导的减排目标和行业倡导的下游解决方案,包括修复我们破碎的机械回收系统和投资新技术。

  15. How long will bridging this divide take? The road to the Paris Agreement actually began in 1991 with the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, and continued with the Kyoto Protocol in 1997, and the failed meetings in Copenhagen in 2009. The Paris Agreement was finally signed in 2016, 25 years after the first framework was agreed upon. The Montreal Protocol, which has been instrumental in repairing our ozone layer, was signed in 1987, 14 years after CFCs were posited to pose a danger—speedy by U.N. standards. A high seas treaty to conserve marine biological diversity in international waters has been under discussion for 12 years now.

    弥合这一鸿沟需要多长时间?通往《巴黎协定》的道路实际上始于1991年的《联合国气候变化框架公约》,并延续了1997年的《京都议定书》,以及2009年在哥本哈根的失败会议。《巴黎协定》最终于2016年签署,距离第一个框架达成一致已有25年。《蒙特利尔议定书》在修复我们的臭氧层方面发挥了重要作用,于1987年签署,14年后,氟氯化碳被认为构成危险 - 按照联合国标准,这是迅速的。一项保护国际水域海洋生物多样性的公海条约已经讨论了12年。

  16. However, there is a precedent for greater speed when the issue is plastic. The Basel plastic amendments included plastic waste in a legally binding framework to make global trade in plastic waste more transparent and better regulated. This was a major accomplishment, and the time between the first proposal and unanimous adoption by governments was just eight months, previously an unheard-of time frame in which to negotiate an international agreement.


  17. Reports such as “Breaking the Plastic Wave” tell us we’re running out of time. We must rapidly accelerate both upstream and downstream solutions to have any chance of solving this crisis. If we delay dramatic action by just five years and maintain current government and industry commitments, an additional 80 million metric tons of plastic will end up in the ocean by 2040 (or about half of all the plastic that has accumulated from the start of the plastics era up to now).


  18. Preventing this disaster for ocean ecosystems and human health and well-being requires creating safe spaces for discussion between environmental and industry groups now. The only way forward is to approach the obstacles head-on in the belief that tension equals progress, and that all parties, regardless of their perspective and approach, should have a seat at the table. If we are brave enough to have those conversations, we have reason to be relentlessly optimistic that an ambitious plastics treaty matching the scale and urgency of the problem can be realized in record time.


Why “De-growth” Shouldn’t Scare Businesses


  1. The concept of degrowth dates back to the 1970s, when a group of French intellectuals led by the philosopher Andre Gorz proposed a simple idea: In response to mounting environmental and social problems, they suggested that the only real solution was to produce and consume less—to shrink our economies to cope with the carrying capacity of our planet. The proposal was considered by many at the time to be too radical. But with today’s climate crisis, debates around degrowth have been reinvigorated, and many major figures such as Noam Chomsky, Yanis Varoufakis and Anthony Giddens have, to varying degrees, expressed support for the idea.

    去增长的概念可以追溯到1970年代,当时由哲学家安德烈·戈尔茨(Andre Gorz)领导的一群法国知识分子提出了一个简单的想法:为了应对日益严重的环境和社会问题,他们提出唯一真正的解决方案是减少生产和消费 - 缩小我们的经济以应对我们星球的承载能力。当时许多人认为该提案过于激进。但随着今天的气候危机,围绕去增长的辩论重新活跃起来,诺姆·乔姆斯基、雅尼斯·瓦鲁法基斯和安东尼·吉登斯等许多主要人物在不同程度上表达了对这一想法的支持。

  2. For others though—especially business leaders—degrowth is completely unthinkable, not least because of the anti-consumerist roots of the term. The prevailing view is that growth is an economic necessity, and any threat to that not only undermines business, but basic societal functioning. For instance, there is a warning about the dire social consequences of what is perceived to be a movement of “consumer shaming.” Framed in these terms, the resistance of multinational CEOs and entrepreneurs alike is predictable, as is the reluctance of politicians to promote degrowth policies that would potentially prove unpopular with key constituents. The economist Tim Jackson provides a concise assessment: “Questioning growth is deemed to be the act of lunatics.”

    然而,对于其他人——尤其是商业领袖——去增长是完全不可想象的,尤其是因为这个词的反消费主义根源。普遍的看法是,增长是经济上的必需品,任何对增长的威胁不仅会破坏商业,还会破坏基本的社会功能。例如,有一个警告说,被认为是“消费者羞辱”运动的可怕社会后果。从这些角度来看,跨国CEO和企业家的抵制是可以预见的,政治家们不愿推行可能不受关键选民欢迎的去增长政策也是可以预见的。经济学家蒂姆·杰克逊(Tim Jackson)给出了一个简明扼要的评估:“质疑增长被认为是疯子的行为。

  3. Critics of degrowth have also put forth other arguments that, at face value, seem valid: the economist Joseph Stiglitz argues, for instance, that since growth is unquestionably good for human development, we simply need a different kind of growth that is better for the environment, not less of it. Others argue that the philosophy of degrowth does not seriously account for technological innovation—specifically the idea that we can continue current growth patterns if we innovate products that are less resource-intensive and generate fewer waste by-products.

    去增长的批评者还提出了其他论点,从表面上看,这些论点似乎是有效的:例如,经济学家约瑟夫·斯蒂格利茨(Joseph Stiglitz)认为,既然增长无疑有利于人类发展,我们只需要一种对环境更好的不同类型的增长,而不是更少。其他人则认为,去增长哲学并没有认真考虑技术创新 - 特别是如果我们创新资源密集度较低且产生较少废物副产品的产品,我们可以继续目前的增长模式。

  4. There are, however, problems with these perspectives. First, given the finite nature of our planet, infinite economic growth—even of a different variety—is a logical impossibility. Secondly, innovation and improvements produce, in many cases, unintended consequences. One of which is the Jevons paradox, where individuals compensate for efficiency through increased consumption. For instance, more energy-efficient refrigerators lead to more refrigerators in a home.


  5. The third and most fundamental issue is that the degrowth movement has already begun: at a grassroots level, consumer demand is actively being transformed, despite political and corporate reticence. A recent YouGov poll in France highlights that 27% of respondents are seeking to consume less—double the percentage from two years prior. The number of people eating less meat or giving it up altogether has been rising exponentially in recent years, too. Similarly, the movement of Flygskam (literally “flight shaming” in Swedish) has had early successes in reducing pollution: 10 Swedish airports have reported considerable declines in passenger traffic over the past year, which they attribute directly to Flygskam. In the apparel industry, fast fashion is still popular, but garment manufacturers are preparing for a backlash as consumers voice growing criticism of the ecological impact of clothing. Accounts such as these indicate how consumers in many contexts are increasingly conscious of the negative consequences of consumerism and are seeking to change their habits. We are witnessing the emergence of consumer-driven degrowth..

    第三个也是最根本的问题是,去增长运动已经开始:在基层,消费者需求正在积极转变,尽管政治和企业保持沉默。法国YouGov最近的一项民意调查显示,27%的受访者正在寻求减少消费 - 是两年前的两倍。近年来,少吃肉或完全放弃肉的人数也呈指数级增长。同样,Flygskam(瑞典语中的字面意思是“航班羞辱”)的运动在减少污染方面取得了早期的成功:10个瑞典机场报告了过去一年的客运量大幅下降,他们直接将其归因于Flygskam。在服装行业,快时尚仍然很受欢迎,但随着消费者对服装的生态影响提出越来越多的批评,服装制造商正在为强烈反对做准备。诸如此类的报道表明,在许多情况下,消费者越来越意识到消费主义的负面影响,并正在寻求改变他们的习惯。我们正在目睹消费驱动的去增长的出现。

  6. These stories also indicate how degrowth opens new opportunities: some companies and industries will certainly be disrupted, but others that are sufficiently prepared for such transitions will handily outmaneuver their competitors. For instance, Flygskam has been a boon for train travel, bolstered by a social media movement called Tågskryt (“train brag”). Meanwhile reduced meat consumption has been accompanied by an explosion in meat substitutes that produce one-tenth of the greenhouse gases compared to the real thing. Accordingly, degrowth reshuffles competitive dynamics within and across industries and, despite what many corporate leaders assume, offers new bases for competitive advantage.


  7. Based on our examination of companies at the forefront of the degrowth movement, we’ve identified three of their strategies that can apply to larger incumbent firms. First, firms can pursue degrowth-adapted product design, involving the creation of products that have longer lifespans, are modular, or are locally produced. Fairphone, a social enterprise, eschews the built-in obsolescence of larger mobile device manufacturers and produces repairable phones that dramatically extend their longevity. Similarly, the start-up The 30 Year Sweatshirt sells high-quality, durable products that run counter to fast fashion principles. Although incumbents have yet to follow suit, such transformations are not without precedent: for example, the American auto industry was forced to move away from planned obsolescence, which was a common practice dating back to the 1920s, when Japanese competitors seized the market in the 1970s-80s with more reliable and fuel-efficient vehicles that were built to last.

    根据我们对处于去增长运动前沿公司的研究,我们确定了三种可以适用于大型现有公司的策略。首先,企业可以追求适应去增长的产品设计,包括创造寿命更长、模块化或本地生产的产品。Fairphone是一家社会企业,它避免了大型移动设备制造商的固有过时,并生产可维修的手机,大大延长了其使用寿命。同样,初创公司The 30 Year Sweatshirt销售与快时尚原则背道而驰的高质量,耐用的产品。尽管现有企业尚未效仿,但这种转变并非没有先例:例如,美国汽车工业被迫摆脱计划中的过时,这是一种可追溯到 1920 年代的常见做法,当时日本竞争对手在 1970 年代至 80 年代以更可靠、更省油的汽车占领了市场。

  8. Second, firms can engage in value-chain repositioning, where they exit from certain stages of the value chain and delegate some tasks to stakeholders. As an example, the vehicle manufacturer Local Motors created a proof-of-concept recyclable vehicle crafted with 50 individual parts printed onsite, compared with the roughly 25,000 parts required for a traditional vehicle. The company crowdsourced designs and crowdfunded the project from their potential consumers. Larger firms such as Lego have also taken advantage of this model, launching marketplaces for either creating new designs or trading used products. This way, the firm creates different ways to consume despite production limits. Firms that incorporate stakeholder engagement in their operations are thereby faster to adapt to degrowth when it becomes more mainstream.

    其次,企业可以进行价值链重新定位,从价值链的某些阶段退出,并将一些任务委托给利益相关者。例如,汽车制造商Local Motors创造了一种概念验证可回收车辆,该车辆由现场打印的50个单独零件制成,而传统车辆则需要大约25,000个零件。该公司从潜在消费者那里众包设计和众筹该项目。乐高等大公司也利用了这种模式,推出了创建新设计或交易二手产品的市场。通过这种方式,尽管生产受到限制,但该公司创造了不同的消费方式。因此,当增长变得更加主流时,将利益相关者参与纳入其运营的公司可以更快地适应去增长。

  9. Third, firms can lead through degrowth-oriented standard setting. This entails creation of a standard for the rest of the industry to follow. The apparel company Patagonia—that explicitly follows an “antigrowth” strategy—is the poster child for this philosophy, offering a worn-wear store and providing free repairs for not only their own products, but also for those of other garment manufacturers. In a similar vein, the automobile company Tesla released all its patents in 2014, seeking to catalyze the diffusion of electric vehicles. Such initiatives were not merely marketing ploys, but also strategies to standardize a practice or technological platform throughout an industry—one in which companies like Patagonia or Tesla would have existing expertise.


  10. These strategies illustrate potential ways that firms can adapt to consumer-driven degrowth. Firms may pursue more than one strategy (or all three) simultaneously: In 2016, for example, Google attempted to create a longer lasting phone with modular components, soliciting feedback from supply chain actors on how to create standardized parts for their handset. Although “Project Ara” was ultimately cancelled, it did reveal a common thread among the strategies. Effective and inclusive communication with stakeholders across the supply chain is crucial, but framing the project in a way that all those stakeholders can buy into requires considerable effort and adjustment through trial and error.


  11. As we continue to grapple with climate change, we can expect consumers, rather than politicians, to increasingly drive degrowth by changing their consumption patterns. Firms should think in an innovative way about this consumer-driven degrowth as an opportunity, instead of resisting or dismissing the demands of this small but growing movement. Businesses that successfully do so will emerge more resilient and adaptable—instead of necessarily selling more, they will sell better, and grow in a way that satisfies consumers while respecting the environment.
